by Fred & Gloria Strickert
Peter & Andrew embrace: the model of unity
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
One of the highlights of life in Jerusalem is the experience in late January, in the cold of winter under rainy skies, of warm Christian fellowship and prayer with Christians from the widest expanse of liturgical traditions bringing to reality what we confess in the creed each Sunday of "one holy catholic and apostolic church." We share with you a few visual memories of this week.
Anglican Cathedral of St. George
Theme: We will all be changed by the Victory of Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 15)
Armenian Cathedral of St. JamesThe Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
Read it here
The Prayer for Christian Unity
United in Christ who gives us the victory, let us pray to God:
For the Church, the Body of Christ, that we might truly live the unity we receive through the Holy Spirit.
Unite us around the cross of Jesus.
For the leaders of our churches that they may be faithful to the unity to which all Christians are called and that they may show humility and meekness through the example of Christ.
Unite us around the cross of Jesus.
For the nations of the world, that all may live in peace with one another and promote justice for all and that political leaders may seek the welfare of all and not follow their own interests.
Unite us around the cross of Jesus.
For the people of our society, that we may respect the human rights and dignity of all and that we may be transformed to live as caring neighbors.
Unite us around the cross of Jesus.
For the sick and suffering, that we may accompany them in their struggles and that they may be transformed by your healing presence.
Unite us around the cross of Jesus.
For our relationships with Jews and Muslims, that we may find courage to tear down walls of indifference, fear, and hatred as we show respect in a spirit humility.
Unite us around the cross of Jesus.
For the common witness of the Church in the Holy Land as it carries the cross of Jesus in the world today looking forward in hope to the final victory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord, stand in our midst and grant us unity and peace. Amen.
Latin Patriarchate Church
Upper Room
Ethiopian Orthodox Church
St. Anthony's Coptic Church
Greek Catholic Church
The bread of the Agape Feast dipped into wine is a foretaste of the unity to come.
For Jerusalem's Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2011, see archives "February 2011"
Photo credits: Elly McHan, ELCJHL and Marie Armelle
By Fred & Gloria Strickert